We understand how difficult and frustrating it can be to transfer your website from one host to another. This is why we offer a special website transfer service where we will do all the stressful, time consuming work for you. Sit back, relax, and have our experienced technical support team get your site transferred to VPSDepot with little to no downtime.
We make it simple to get a website transferred to VPSDepot. Our technical support team will transfer your website files and databases at no cost to you. Avoid the frustration of having to transfer your website information yourself.
FREE Transfer Terms:
Transfer of website files and databases only. Email addresses, FTP accounts, subdomains, addon domains, etc must all be recreated within the hosting control panel with VPSDepot.
Maximum account transfer size cannot exceed 10GB.
Customer must provide us with previous hosting account ftp, control panel login, MySQL login, etc in order for the account to be transferred.
We cannot guarantee successful transfer if any of the following conditions is met:
The previous host uses a different MySQL version than VPSDepot
The previous host uses a different PHP version than VPSDepot
The previous host uses different server configurations than VPSDepot
The server of the previous host experiences frequent and/or continuous time outs during the transfer process
Any other condition that can potentially compromise file or database integrity
Build your new website in 4 easy steps:
- Login to cPanel
- Select a Blog or CMS & add content
- Publish to your Web Hosting Account
- Make money
Thinking about switching to us?
- FREE Domain Transfer!
- FREE File Transfer!
- FREE Databases Transfer!
- FREE Script Transfer!